Time is a precious thing in the studio, and by recording your vocal doubles to the lead track, you skip out on lining up unnecessary doubles. Don't just track 5 vocal takes and hope they line up. Let me show you two ways to improve your tracking & editing time.
Don’t get me wrong, I love stacking vocals and making sure you end up with the best take, but so much time would be saved if you did only three takes. I know a guy who does about thirty minutes of vocal takes, just lets it run on loop to build up a huge vocal comp. That's fine... I guess. By doing so, you’re pretty much guaranteeing, at least I would HOPE, that out of those thirty minutes, there has to be a piece that will be cut into the final. The problem is now he has to go through all thirty minutes of that loop to comp it. What a waste of time! Limit your options, pick a lead, double to it. It'll save time and stress.
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