- Includes ALL of our courses with over 330 no-fluff, straight-to-the-point videos, amounting to over 50 total hours
- Understanding essential audio tools so you can know how to instantly double the value of your videos
- Access to the FILMMAKER'S GUIDE TO AUDIO ($497 VALUE!) This course is an all-inclusive-take-at-your-own-pace-lifetime-accessible resource for you to learn anything and everything audio. I'll teach you: recording, microphones, placement of microphones (including hiding lav microphones), cleaning up dirty audio like AC hum and scratchy clothes, mixing audio, mastering audio, getting your videos to the proper loudness, and much more!
- Access to the FILMMAKER'S GUIDE TO SOUND DESIGN ($297 VALUE!) Perfect for anyone wanting to get into sound design and make that their full-time career, or a beginner filmmaker wanting to enhance their videos by understanding sound design
- Access to the LAV MICROPHONE MINI COURSE ($97 VALUE!) Tired of getting terrible lav audio? Is it always scratchy? Never know how to clean it up? This course is going to help you get the BEST audio from your lav microphones, no matter what brand you have
- Access to THE MUSIC PRODUCER'S SUITE ($497 VALUE!) Everything you need to know to get that radio-ready sound
- Access to an exclusive online community filled with like-minded individuals
- Student discounts on your favorite products such as:
- Adobe CC (over 60% off regular membership!)
- Glidecam
- Artlist.io
- Soundstripe
- Rhino Sliders
- Library of Sound Effects
- And more!
This course includes a 30 day money back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, shoot me an email at [email protected] within 30 days and I'll refund your purchase.